The problem: College students need equipment, but they don’t have money to purchase a new one. Purchasing new equipement can be burdensome especailly with a tight budget or if they only need the item temporarily. Instead, with our solution, they can borrow equipment from other students at no extra costs, and other students can loan their equipment.
The solution: Vendors can display items that others can borrow and any user can send a request to borrow any of them. This way, students can borrow equipment with no cost, which builds trust in the UH Manoa community. Users have the right to view two different rating fields: rating as a borrower and rating as a vendor, where each are out of 5 stars. The borrowing rating indicates whether the user returns the item in good condition while the vendor rating indicates overall satisfaction from borrowers.
Gallery (Cards)
Public User: This is where they only have access to the landing page which will have pictures and descriptions of the different type of equipment that other students are loaning out. They will also have access to the log in option and the create account option.
Student User: This is where they would have to create and sign in to get access to their profile. The student users will be able to add items their items, list items, remove their items, report items to admin, view galleries, and a log out options.
Admin User: Admins are abe to view all items, and has the permission to remove items.
Some advanced features we will try to implement is a search function to specifically search for an item/equipment and to have a rating system where the loaners can rate the borrowers, and the borrowers can rate the loaners.
Jiawen Chen, Truman Choy, Marcus Prudencio, Kayla Yanos