One WOD at a Time

04 Sep 2023

Preparing for WODs, helped me realize how if you really want to learn something, you must consistently work on it. Just like how you would have to consistently work out physically to maintain a fit body, I would also have to consistently do practice WODs to maintain my knowledge. It also has taught me not to rush. I would screen record my screen and watch back and I am writing a bunch of code and deleting it later because I did it wrong. It is important for me to stop for a few minutes and really read and think about what the question is asking.

There is always something to improve on when doing WODs. From the first WOD we did in person, it really taught me that I need to carefully read and understand the question before coding. Instead of rushing to try to finish first, I need to be consistent and pace. The WODs aren’t a race and I need to keep that in mind.

My first experience with the WOD was nerve-racking. I am still not one hundred percent confident in my coding skills. But I did practice a lot before and did the practice WODs. I was able to complete my WOD in a good amount of time and I felt very satisfied after. Even though the first WOD was not a hard one, I made me feel satisfied because I prepared for it before, and I was able to complete it.

For my first WOD, I decided to implement the function with if statements and the for loop outside the function. I choose to do if statements because that was what I was most use to and most comfortable with. I know that I could’ve done it with switch statements, but I just prefer if statements. I also used the for loop outside the functions because that is also what I was used to. In the beginning I was trying to put the for loop inside the function, but then I realized that it would be easier if I just put it outside the function. After the WODs are completed, I do believe that it is important/valuable to discuss the WOD after it is completed. Everyone has different minds and thought process, which means that there are many ways to do one thing. That is, one think I like about coding, there isn’t one way to something. Like I said before, I know that you could replace the if statements with switch statements and I know that you can put the loop inside or outside the functions. Also, from discussing the WOD after, I learned that you can do it using recursion!