Whenever I heard the words, software engineering, the first thing that comes to mind, is coding. The only thing that I thought that software engineers do is code. I would get intimidated because I was stuck in the mindset that software engineering is only for smart people. However, that is not true. Software engineering is about the process and development to making something. They deal with everything from the design and development to the testing and maintenance of their applications.
One aspect of software engineering that I find interesting is how big of an impact it can make. Software engineers can take an idea or problem and bring that idea to a reality or a solution to a problem. But they don’t stop there. They are constantly looking for new and more efficient ways to get things done. And as technology is advancing, they are constantly learning new things. I find it very interesting in how they are able to adapt to new ideas and knowledge and use that to create something new.
My journey to making my dreams into a reality is just getting started. I plan to continue to learn new languages and build up my confidence in my coding. Other than technical skills, I also want to put myself out there to gain practical experience. I plan to start personal projects that will eventually help me open up opportunities for internships. I have a long way still, but I plan to take it one step at a time.