11 Dec 2023
Fundamental Concepts Overall, this software engineering course is a great introduction to what software engineering is all about. Although this course was designed for the creation of web applications, the main point of this course was to teach us about...
Software Engineering
29 Nov 2023
The Garden Design patterns are an essential part of any application. We can think of the application as a whole as a garden with many different plants that represent the different components. Now, the question is, how do you take...
Design Patterns Software Engineering
20 Nov 2023
Introduction Over the past few years, AI has become a very popular topic. AI has made an impact in everything we do, from our everyday lives, to the way we work and learn. One of many ways AI is impacting...
AI Software Engineering
30 Oct 2023
Overview The problem: College students need equipment, but they don’t have money to purchase a new one. Purchasing new equipement can be burdensome especailly with a tight budget or if they only need the item temporarily. Instead, with our solution,...
Software Engineering Meteor
04 Oct 2023
UI frameworks is probably something that many people look over just because it’s UI. Many developers are most likely more concentrated on the back end of things. However, how will that back-end code be used by the users without a...
UI Frameworks Bootstrap
20 Sep 2023
One of the many forgotten, but important aspects of coding is coding standards. Many people overlook coding standard because many might think that it is just indents, the placement of curly braces, etc. However, it can be the one difference...
Coding Standards Software Engineering
05 Sep 2023
What Makes a Question, Smart? When asking a question, it is important to ask it a smart question. What does that mean? First, to make a smart question it must have a purpose. Smart questions have a clear purpose or...
Questions Answers StackOverflow
04 Sep 2023
Preparing for WODs, helped me realize how if you really want to learn something, you must consistently work on it. Just like how you would have to consistently work out physically to maintain a fit body, I would also have...
Javascript Programming WODs
31 Aug 2023
Initial Thoughts Whenever I heard the words, software engineering, the first thing that comes to mind, is coding. The only thing that I thought that software engineers do is code. I would get intimidated because I was stuck in the...
Software Engineering
29 Aug 2023
Reflection on JavaScript Before this class, I have never touched JavaScript. I do, however, have prior knowledge and practice with Java. Throughout learning JavaScript, I found it helpful known majority of it due to the similarities with Java. And after...
Javascript Programming